This web site is an extension of my hobby - collecting miniature bottles. It is not intended to represent the bottles that are currently available in the marketplace but a mix of information based on my own collection.
I have been collecting mini bottles for over 32 years. I class myself as a general collector specialising in Scotch Whisky and older bottles (particularly liqueurs).
The site includes an area containing lists and images of all the bottles from my collection. These are organised by category of bottle (for example Cognac, Liqueur, etc.). I have managed to feature images of all of the bottles listed from my collection.
The site also contains bottles that I have for sale - including description and price in UK £ Sterling but excluding postage. These lists are separated into 'Scotch Whisky' and 'general (non scotch whisky)'.
I update the site from time to time. Major updates will be announced to all collectors who are part of my distribution list. If you receive email from me but would rather not, then let me know and I will happily remove you from my list. Minor updates will be done all the time - for example updates to lists for sale.
I have a section of links which cover both links to collector's sites but also to some commercial sites that are related to the hobby of collecting miniature bottles.
If you have a web site that is related to Miniature Bottle Collecting, please let me know and I will add a link to your site (enquiries@myminibottles.co.uk).
Bottle Collecting' - as featured in
Send mail to:
enquiries@myminibottles.co.uk Copyright © 1996-2011 - Miniature Bottle Collecting |