
Question : Why did the orange stop rolling down the hill?

Answer : It ran out of juice

Submitted By Alex


Question : What does Michael Jackson and a Playstation 2 have in common?

Answer : They are both plastic and get turned on by little boys.

Submitted By Me


Question : Why was Tigger so dirty?

Answer : Because he keeps on playing with Pooh

Submitted By Rikka


Question : What do you get if you cross a Vampire and a Snow Man?

Answer :  FrostBite

Submitted By Tushar


There was an English man a French man and a German. They all got on a plane when they were in the air the English man dropped an apple out of the window. The French man dropped a banana out of the window and the German dropped a grenade out of the window.

When they got to the bottom the English man said "Why are you crying little girl" "because an Apple fell on my head. When the French man got down to the bottom he went up to a boy and said "Why are you crying little boy" "because a banana fell on my head". When the German got down to the bottom he said to a little boy "Why are you laughing little boy" "because i did a fart and the house blew up"!!!

Submitted By Me


Question : A brunette and a blonde fall off a cliff, who hits the floor first?

Answer : The brunette because the blonde has to ask for directions

Submitted By Matt


Good news : Saddam Hussane has got a death penalty.

Bad news : They've asked David Beckham to take it.

Submitted By Me


Good news : Your gonna die in 7 days

Bad news : I should of told you last week

Submitted By Laura


Question : Why did Tigger look down the toilet?

Answer : Because he was looking for poo

Submitted By Alex


There were 3 bears in a plane, Mummy bear Daddy bear and Baby bear. . . The plane crashed but there was only 2 parachutes so the Mummy bear and Daddy bear said sorry to Baby bear and jumped out the plane. . .  At the bottom the Mummy bear said how did u get down Baby bear and Baby bear said '' Me not dumb, me not silly, me hold on to daddy's willie"!!!!

Submitted By Hattie


Question : What do you call a Chinese man with one ball?

Answer : What went Wong

Submitted By Oli


Question : Why did the Lobster blush?

Answer : Becasue the seaweed

Submitted By Me


Question : What do you call a Russian man with 3 balls?

Answer : Who did you nick a bollock off

Submitted By Oli


Question : Whats black and white and goes "bang bang"?

Answer : A Penguin rolling down the stairs

Submitted By Ed